Greed ruins not only the captain of the ship but also sink the entire ship devastating all his fellow workers. The changing face of democracy in the country is at the threshold of either in climax or in catastrophe. Greed for being oneness has forgotten existence of ‘him’ and ‘she’. The definition of secularism is confused as the nature of secularism being followed by those in power in either at the centre or at states is interpreted with different understanding. The game players in the battle of power now ride the Hindu chariot. Voice of dissent has been disrespected. Any person who speaks against the ruling government is an anti – national. Person who has been fighting for the cause of the down trodden people are naxals. Human lives are meaningless when it comes to the rights of “Cows”. India is changing today.
The arrest of activists Varavara Rao, Vernon Gonsalves, Arun Ferreira, lawyer-activist Sudha Bharadwaj and civil liberties activist Gautam Navlakha from various part of the country by Pune police on August 29 showed a signed of desperateness of the ruling regime to suppress all voice of the poor and deprived people. The arrest of a student for calling fascist to BJP instead of warning or guiding her to the right direction, if felt the girl wrong, has proven how desperate is the ruling regime in suppressing the voice of dissent.
To be precise, it is worth recalling how an RSS leader boasted of Killing 2000 Muslims in Gujarat to avenge the death of 56 Hindu in Godra during a public speech in March 2, 2017; how another leader people stated that crimes can be controlled by stopping eating “cow meat”; how an MLA stated in public that he will help kidnapping girl during a festival at Maharatra, and how a Religious leader put blame the Karalites of eating beef as the cause of the devastating flood, showed that India is Changing. This is not being stated because these people make a change but because the ruling regime takes no action to any of those people who had spewed venom to communities belonging to different religions.
Well coming back to the state of Manipur, the wind that is blowing in the mainland reaches today. The idea of Manipur is seen slowly changing with the idea of fascism. The one time peoples’ friendly Chief Minister now is shield with barricades. A war like zone is what is seen if any person passes in front of the Chief Minister Bungalow here in the heart of the town.
Introduction of schemes like go to village, or chief Ministers’ scheme for needy people turns out as another irony to the local self government. The devolution of power to the Panchayati raj or the Autonomous District Council is still a dream and is leaving aside from the priority with the introduction of the new schemes which still is not of that help to the people.
Attempt to safronise the state has also put to a complete halt to the functioning of the education sector. Here it is being interpreted as attempt to safronise as the protection of one man seems to be more important than the career of thousands students by the government which is showing its safrone image in the public domain.
The ‘today’ of Manipur has little number of people who can speak against the government as it is being happen in other part of the nation. Yet, not everything is end, what the people in the government at either the center or the state should know is that Manipur is “indomitable”. There are still thousands sons and daughters who will keep continuing the footprints of Paona Brajabashi, Bir Tikendrajit , Hijam Irabot, etc.
Peace is not the absence of war but the presence justice, let the voice dissent be respected.
The changing India and its impact on Manipur
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some months back, I was introduced to a man whose background was unkown to me that I am CPI(M) member. He expressed that he be fought with me as he is an RSS man. I was taken aback.
That man is from Bamon leikai.
The priority enemies of RSS is Communist, Muslim, Adivasis and various minorities across the country.
One posted on facebook that the present regime is nothing but a Hindutva cultural stasi with digital policing and zersetzung under Hindutva fascism on Kauravian ideology.