Man, being a social animal has to exist with and amongst other humans and in order to adjust and make co-existence possible certain laws and regulations are drawn up to safeguard the welfare of every member of the group or community, curtailing certain personal freedoms and liberties that might infringe on other person’s welfare. This is the basic idea of a social set-up.
Leaders and arbitrators are then chosen to oversee the smooth working of the social system with adequate executive powers as deemed necessary to enforce the same- the Government as we know, create and accept in the contemporary world.
A society, being made up of individual members as well as diverse communities, is bound to come up with conflicting interests and emotions. This is where the quality and the efficiency of the people entrusted to sort out these social issues are being tested. The problems being faced by our society as a collective whole in recent times is uncountable and varied- indeed an intimidating and daunting task for those entrusted to solve them.
Public memory is short lived- or so it is believed. But sweeping away these problems under the carpet and shrouding them with silence, putting the theory about public memory to the test is not the right step towards easing or erasing the problems. Nor is the polished method of prolonging the issues and tiring out the protesting parties to buy time and making these matters fade out of the mind of the public the prudent way of resolving things.
The truth about the existence or otherwise of the much discussed issue about identity crisis, the long pending demand for protection and preservation of the identity, culture and traditions can in no way be subsided as long as the Manipur society exist.
The one time much debated issue for the introduction of ‘Inner Line permit System’ like legislation and the ‘National Register of Citizens 1951’-
should be clarified by the state government without further ado as the after election scenario cannot be predicted.
There is doubt in saying that there is still simmering social tensions that is
increasingly taking on a communal tone which needs to be addressed immediately lest the state will be thrown into another bout of mayhem. This is not speculation, but reality as the fight in the recently concluded election (17th Lok Sabha Election) was taken in the bitterest way. The hatred among rival candidates has been planted so deeply that the aftermath of the declaration of the election tomorrow may be mayhem in Manipur’s society. There are issues which the government could solved easily and these similar issues also have the tendency to flare up an uncertainty society.
It’s better to wind up the matter before things become irreparably damaged. It needs to speed up the workings of its various departments and deliver the goods in time to avoid and prevent more problems. Genuine issues should be resolved before things gets out of hand and “mob Justice” takes precedence for those whose voices has been gagged for so long and their grievances fallen on deaf ears. Justice delayed is justice denied.
Stop faking and face the facts
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