The tussle for power amongst the representatives of the people of Manipur is increasingly threatening to slow down the already trudging pace of progress in the state. while the gripe of the MLAs are understandable, their future prospects and political advancements depending to a large extent on the delivery of the reported assurance by the Chief Minister to reshuffle the portfolio at the mid-point of the term of the present Government. What is at stake is not just the position and the power, but the accompanying financial benefits and responsibilities which have sadly come to be viewed more as personal sanctions to be used as per their whims and fancies. The plethora of problems staring the State Government in the eye is on the brink of being sidelined, while the assembly session which is scheduled to begin in a couple of days is in danger of being disrupted. It goes without saying that the assembly session, which is held to discuss and deliberate on the development activities being carried out in the state, to draw up future course of action and also to review works and progress of the government will have to bear the brunt of the misunderstanding, and subsequently the state stands to suffer. Notwithstanding the politicking that goes on behind closed doors, from the point of view of a common man, there is a perceptible sense of the Chief Minister starting to lose his grip on the control as manifested in the haphazard activities being drawn up which has been evoking responses contrary to expectations. There has not been a proper and strict allocation of responsibilities, nor have there been the necessary steps of admonishing concerned ministers who have failed to deliver on the tasks assigned to them. The protracted issues of non performing departments failing to furnish utilization certificates for projects for which huge amounts have been sanctioned have continued to plague the state, and yet there still lacks any visible signs of efforts to rectify the issues. The process of periodically evaluating the performance of the ministers and officials should be made a part of the governance process. Building up a transparent system of governance is the only way to go, and for that to happen, those in power should take the initiative and lead by example. We should shed the divisive mentality and embrace inclusive progress. The people have the right and the prerogative to understand the workings of the government. Keeping a psychological and physical boundary between the ruler and the ruled can work for only so long. The real power of these rulers lies with the people, and to try and sideline the issues that are troubling the public is bound to backfire, sooner or later.
Sidelining the real concerns
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