The abrupt change of guard of the state ruling party by an order of the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee heralds the shift in the power structure and increasing dissent amongst the representatives of the people in the ruling party. The political turmoil that is brewing in the state has evidently reached such proportions that the Chief Minister and his Deputy has to shuttle between the state and the national capital in search of a desperate solution to quell it and hopefully save the party from the potential decimation which is beginning to be seen as a highly possible scenario ahead of the upcoming general election just around the corner. Meanwhile, those waiting in the wings to make an opportune strike are making their intentions felt more clearly than ever. The decibels of political one-upmanship is steadily climbing, and would hardly come as a surprise to anyone if the threats by the dissident MLAs to switch loyalty is carried out, given the perceived tendency of the Chief Minister of keeping a closed loop of submissive subordinates at the helm of affairs.
While the inner workings or defects are a matter of policy for the party, the main emergent requirement for the long-disgruntled public is to shed the unfounded loathing and disdain for politics. We, the public should start taking a proactive role as the watchdog for the formulation and implementation of the policies and programs of the government. We have for so long been contented with standing on the sidelines, all the while passing comments and individual judgments while doing precious little to effect changes to the actual administrative functioning. It would not be way off the mark to conclude that the state government has so far taken advantage of the complacent and non-participating nature of the general public to get away with their wily ways and deliberate misgovernment, secure in the experience that the boisterous public will eventually lost steam and drift away from any public issue, however grave or serious, with time.
The present is as good a time as any to start taking an active role and participate in the politics of the state as it would only be through active participation that we can take up efforts to rectify the flaws and bring about the desired changes. A politically aware and active society is the best answer to a callous, indifferent and nepotistic government. It is high time we stop waiting for the change, expecting the other person to fight the fight on our behalf. We have to embrace the fact that only we can change our own future, and that no one can take away our rights and prerogatives if we exercise and discharge our responsibilities with due diligence.
Shuffling hope
1 comment
Should we remind the political leadership in power to accept the challenge of facing the people in an open debate on governance – police reform/administration, health services, food and civil supplies, water supply/management, tourism, agriculture/animal husbandry, infrastructure development, education, unemployment, state finance/planning, any thing for that matter? It is silly, nay dangerous, for any Government or political party in power to take the little men (people) for granted.