What makes one person different from others when it comes to the virtue of patriotism? A person who love to safeguard and developed his own native village, a person who want to see the state marching ahead and a person who want the nation shines bright. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is doing everything to make the country one among the most powerful country in the world. Before becoming the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi had proven his essence of patriotism by fulfilling the dream of Guajarati at his capacity of chief Minister. There has been good report of Mr. Narendra Modi about his love for his people in the organization where he began his career. To be precise when he was in small group he do to meet the satisfaction of his fellow colleagues and be becoming the chief Minister Gujarat he had made the state moving far ahead from other states. Now when he become the Prime Minister he is doing all he could at his capacity to make India the most advance country. There may be critics to the way of his working style but the fact is that all he is doing is for the country.
One thing need to understand is that without a likeminded Chief Ministers in the 29 states of the country, it is likely that the good effort that he has been doing since he assumed the post of Prime Minister may be in sabotage. It is no difference from a head of a family looking for the welfare of the whole family and the mother and sisters looking after the needs of the household. Chief Ministers of each state need to work harder than the prime Minister to fulfill the dream of making India the best in the world.
Similarly, the Chief Minister of any state can do no progress if the leaders of the local body are not as sincere as them. When Chief Minister takes care for the whole of the state, the leaders of the local body looks for development of their respective constituencies.
This is where the local body election – (Panchayat, Zillag Parishad and ward member election) scheduled on October 7 is important. Electing someone capable of serving the local institutions is a much if the people really think that Manipur should march ahead in the field of development.
If local body leaders are sincere and work at his level best for the development of their respective constituencies, and if the Chief Ministers spend his time working for all round development of the state to fulfill the dream of the Prime Minister. Then one would certainly say that the level of patriotism among them remain the same. When the level remains same people will certainly feel the taste of real democracy and feeling of responsibility towards the nation will increase to every citizens of the country.
That is why Panchayat election matters and people should think on whom to elect before casting their valuable vote.
Panchayat election matters, if want India to march ahead