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Negative remarks on positive activities; Is this a way to encourage COVID-19 warriors?

by Rinku Khumukcham
0 comments 3 minutes read

A senior resident, who has been known for his dedication to the cause for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, was seen collapsed, perhaps due exhaustion while on duty to save COVID-19 infected patients at JNIMS. The modus operandi of how health workers have been assigned to provide all available health care facilities at CCCs at both JNIMS and RIMS as well as others have been known and this newspaper had also highlighted few.
Lately, a COVID-19 positive pregnant lady delivered a baby at RIMS hospital under strict measures to ensure that no health workers in the team got infected with the virus. There are many pregnant ladies in the hospital where gynecologists and nurses are keeping an eagle eye round the clock to make sure that those under health care services are safe and sound taking all risks during this pandemic.
A few days back Sky Hospital, a private run cardiac treatment center in a press statement said that their hospital is open and not included in the containment zone announced by the district administration. The press statement indicated that even during the COVID-19 pandemic the hospital is not close and still is open for the needy patient.
A similar announcement is made by Shija Hospital and Research center by its managing Director. After all, this hospital has proved that they care more to save the life of patients in need by performing surgery without waiting for test results for COVID-19.
When many of the health workers have been performing duty taking all risk as it is their performance, many so-called self-style intellectuals, or social workers brought up issues that may defame the life saviors. Well, not every doctor may have the same feeling of risking their lives to save the patient, but there are countless of them working with dedication.
Sometimes, people seem to have forgotten that doctors are no lesser God. They are a human being with no difference from others. The only difference between other people in those in the medical profession is that they wanted to serve and save human lives.
Well, criticisms from those who have fewer ideas of the difficulties faced by doctors and nurses is normal, but when a doctor in the same profession mock and criticize the dedication of a doctor, than it is jealousy. The person, a doctor, and who is also a senior most doctor of RIMS mocking Dr. Uthan who collapsed due to exhaustion is very unfortunate.
If senior doctors, who mock the hard work of a junior doctor is let free, then many who had wanted to serve the people may be discouraged. It is expected that junior doctors of his institution (RIMS) may have been discouraged by this doctor, and authorities of RIMS need an immediate inquiry into this matter. Or else there are also possibilities that he being ahead of the department may advise students and junior doctors at RIMS not to render their valuable service during this crisis time. If the comment by him at FB was a doctored one than he needs to take the help of the cybercrime police.

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