Humans are, by nature, whimsical creatures. The only defining element is the ability to reason and think out the consequences of such whims, if and when carried out. This unique trait differentiates humans from other species, and makes them master better and stronger creatures. If we take out the part that relates any of his or her actions to any consequences, the result will invariably baffle and amuse us. Or have we been witness to these conditions without our being aware of it? What about the Armed forces Special Powers Act 1958? Isn’t there startling similarities with the situations where one’s actions are separated from the consequences? And what are the repercussions that we’ve been witnessing- rather experiencing in our society? The word “immunity” in the legal context connotes “impunity of action”. Man is perhaps the only being that attacks without any provocation or reason- a sense of ego often ruling over the reasoning mind. Perhaps that explains- albeit to our consternation the unfortunate incidents where the state security forces as well as the civil society organizations have a proven proclivity to resort to arm-twisting, intimidation and even brute force at the slightest opportunity to impose their point of view or wishes. What comes as not-totally-unexpected fallout is the blot in the efforts of the police department to revitalize and strengthen the trust and cooperation of the public which has been on the decline for a long time on the one hand, and the continuous strive by the various social bodies to bring relevant social issues and make the state government to address them on the other. There have even been positive results, with the public and various media houses highlighting and applauding the positive steps and mature decisions, as and when they happen. But as the social conditions worsen, it is getting evidently clearer that these security forces and social organisations still need to be sensitized on relating with the public- of handling a high pressure situation and winning the trust and respect of the common people and not venting their frustrations and imposing their position on them. The hard earned admiration and uneasy accolades needs to be built upon. It is upto the officials and experts to devise ways and means to ensure such undesirable incidents do not repeat for the public to repose their faith and trust and not tie themselves into knots in their haste to assert themselves as symbols of power and authority- of which they certainly are not. The onus of proving their worth in donning the mettle of the protectors of the law, or the interests of the society as the case may be rests entirely on their shoulders. Getting blinded with their self-worth and failing to appreciate the roles of others in the larger scheme of things is a perfect recipe for disaster. Reigning in the emotions and curtailing the urge to impose one’s view will go a long way in fostering understanding and cooperation.