Home » Haste makes waste

Haste makes waste

by IT Web Admin
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Just as abruptly as it was decided just four days before to suspend the cops involved in the alleged mistreatment of students belonging to Naga Students’ Federation, the very decision has been revoked as abruptly today. Chief Minister Ibobi Singh is once again in a Dilemma he cannot deny being partly responsible for. The alacrity with which the state government took a very serious decision, and the manner in which the very same has been made void bears testimony to the indecisive nature of the present government, bowing to undue pressure and trying to take the easy way out. The pressure from the NSF and other supporting groups holding the state at ransom, and the subsequent counter pressure from the state security forces when they are made to bear the brunt of the power tussle clearly demonstrates the utilization of the most effective means of cornering the state government- an exercise, rather an indulgence that is increasingly turning out to be both dangerous and potentially disastrous for every stakeholders in the society. The last straw, however, happened to be the ultimatum declared by 20 of the members of the Legislative Assembly who incidentally happened to belong to the ruling party. The practice of the state government of giving in to social pressures and demands fuelled by emotions rather than cold hard facts has set a dangerous precedent, one which has acquired the nature of an epidemic at present.
The Chief Minister has reportedly stated that the order for suspension of the 5 cops was given on his insistence and not on his deputy’s who is also in charge of Home. This brought to the fore the report Imphal Times carried regarding the response of the Deputy Chief Minister during the Demand Discussion for police on Friday Assembly Session. The Home Minister has elaborated on the extremely sensitive and complex nature of dealing with the Law and Order situation in the state, saying that an action on any issue based on emotions and other personal and social sentiments might result in catastrophe and uproar, and that he personally is of the opinion that it would be better to hide a truth which, if exposed, would cause the disintegration of the state. He was stating the obvious that hasty decisions in the state however relevant and correct it might seem at that point, might very well turn out to be more damaging and detrimental in the long run. Haphazard resolutions and decisions also portrays a fickle and indecisive administration, one which cannot stick to its own decisions and eventually undermines the credibility of the state government. Decisions need to be well thought-out, deliberated and discussed and debated with all stakeholders concerned before being announced. But it does not mean that such decisions should take its own sweet time, after all, the state government is elected to protect the interests of the people of the state, and that should clearly be the guiding principle in formulating all decisions.
“ A hasty judgment is a first step to recantation”:- Roman Quote.

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