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From an issue into non-issue

by IT Web Admin
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The recent escalation of unfortunate developments in the education scenario in the state is a concern for every individual in Manipur. The increasingly rigid stance taken up by the opposing parties points to a further deterioration in the already disturbed and tense academic atmosphere prevailing this very day. What is most intriguing, however, is the baffling silence by the state government regarding the protracted imbroglio thus far. For all intent and purpose, it seems as if the state authority have washed their hands off of the controversy, occupying itself a premium seat, padded down and have prepared to watch the unfolding drama. Meanwhile, the ongoing tension have occupied the collective mind of the general public, an increasing concern which cannot be ignored or sidelined any longer despite the drudgery and burden of the daily grinds and chores. The concerns, incidentally is not about the claims and counter-claims or assertions by the parties on either side of the ideological divide, but for the thousands of students caught in the middle, and whose welfare and well-being is lost in the ensuing struggle for one-upmanship.
With the divide becoming more prominent, the intents are becoming clearer. Threats of turning the educational institutions into conflict zones and resorting to violence to assert their impositions by a party to the conflict have turned what was initially a difference in opinions and ideologies into something which threatens the very purpose for which the confrontation started in the first place- to bring about a peaceful, fair and free atmosphere in education.
It would be really important to try and understand objectively the genesis of this particular issue without having to drag in aspects of religions or faiths and beliefs. Why are these private schools, particularly the convent-run institutions being focused on? How can anyone say for certain that these schools exert religious influences on the students? But most importantly, isn’t it very obvious that so much of scramble for admission in these schools means that there is a demand for the system being implemented that is doing something good when it comes to educating the children? Shouldn’t we channelize our rigid stance and intents on setting things right in the hundreds of government schools which will most definitely provide our children with cheaper and better education? In a state as ours where the sensitivity of price is very high, why are we still clamoring to spend more if we only can obtain admission of our wards to these convent-run educational institutions? We have a better and cheaper alternative. Our only problem is that we are either not ready to face the bureaucracy or its forces, or are comfortable picking on weaker and more vulnerable subjects. Let us make the government run schools function as they should be, with the requisite infrastructures, manpower and required attitude. If we can use our strengths and resolutions to rectify these and force the government authorities to perform, the issue of private schools or convent schools will become a non-issue in the course of time. Only question- Are we ready for the challenges and sacrifices we will be coming up against in the long haul? 

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