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Empty eloquence

by IT Web Admin
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The Government, both at the center and the state, had often expressed their displeasure with the various print and electronic media and publication houses for being too harsh on their performance, rather the lack of it, citing various constraints and limitations as an excuse to mitigate their role in the whole matter. It is also a foregone conclusion that the various assurances and promises of remedial actions made by them have consistently been proven to be empty and without any real intention. That there are still more excuses for the promises not being kept is another matter altogether. The recent spurt in crimes, not only by criminals or so called antisocial elements, but even by those sworn to protect the common people, armed with the responsibility and the weapon and authorized to use even deadly force to upkeep the law needs to be dissected and looked into to get to the core of the festering rot, instead of promising stern “disciplinary” action which translates to nothing more than a temporary arrangement to divert the matter. Racial discrimination has been a salient feature of the majority of mainland Indian mindset, more so against those from the Northeast region of the country, and crimes against the people from the region has been a continuing reality. Yet the recent jump in the number and regularity, especially at the national capital indicates an emboldened class of mentally unstable people harboring ill will against the people from the north east for reasons even they themselves would find difficult to justify. It is clearly evident from all these unfolding incidents that the Government, both at the center and the state, had failed its citizens in providing even the most basic of their rights- the right to life. And, as if the condition is not alarming enough, the police have manhandled and threatened to shoot a journalist who was returning home after a hard day, risking life and limb to present the public with the reality of our society. the need of the hour is for the Government, both at the center and the state, to be proactive and take up measures to insure such blots on their own image of governance is not repeated, rather than to be reactive and scurry around with make-shift damage-control exercises that only reflects their level of commitment to the people who put them to power, to begin with. It is also quite apparent that the priority of the Government is to play safe and juggle for mediocrity rather than putting its foot down to assert the power endowed on it by the constitution and entrusted by the general public to take governance to the next level. We, the public, are in dire need of a leader and a government that can and does ensure our safety and progress. We have very little use or the time to pay attention to practiced eloquence. We want justice and we want it now. The government should deliver or it has to perish. There is no other option, and the people cannot be fooled any longer.

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