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Coutinho seems to have a hidden agenda

by IT Web Admin
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Desmond Coutinho is in the news again. This time in a most humiliating manner. He was slapped and manhandle by a group of women who support the struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila inside the court premises of JMIC Manipur East. The part being taken by Coutinho in the struggle of Irom Chanu Sharmila is confusing as it is hard to understand what he is actually upto. With the central government moving for amendment of the IPC section 309, at which the state government detained her under false charges, some of the civil rights activists are with the hope that, her struggle is nearing the goal. Coutinho’s appearance this time is dramatic, as it is close to the announcement of the court verdict. With the proposed amendment in IPC section 309, it is likely that the government will have no tools for her detention. The situation that time will be very critical with government having no means to tackle the situation.
Earlier in November 2013, when her movement gained momentum by spreading across the nation and when the people from across the nation started criticizing the Indian government authority on the imposition of the draconian AFSPA, Desmond Coutinho played antagonistic role by distracting the cause of Irom Chanu sharmila’s struggle.
It was this gentleman that has incited hate feeling to Irom Chanu Sharmila towards her own organization, the Just Peace Foundation which has been supporting her struggle since the beginning. The effort contributed by the organization in drawing attention of different rights activists across the globe has been given a serious blow by this self style fiancée of our Iron lady.
Four years back when Coutinho came to Manipur and acted differently, Sharmila’s supporters here in the state were infuriated and tried to distant him from the lone crusader who has been undergoing a fast-unto-death protest for repeal of draconian Act AFSPA at which Indian army had strong objection. A national daily newspaper was banned by the civil society organizations of the state for carrying stories about the person who had claimed himself as the lover of Sharmila.
Sharmila’s non-violent protest had greatly affected the image of Indian armed forces and the government always wanted her to end the protest. She had been charged of trying to commit suicide and has been detained under judicial custody by force feeding her. As her will grows stronger day after another there seem no way for the state government to stop her. And now the proposed amendment of IPC section 309 is going to left the government with no tool to detain her.
It is also human understanding that every girl had a soft corner of their love one. Everyone knows that Irom Chanu Sharmila had no boy friend until Coutinho appeared to her life. No wander a girl who had refused to take anything until her demands are fulfilled had fallen in love with a stranger from United Kingdom. It can be assumed that the only way of communication between them is through writings there is no way that the two met to express their feeling to one another.
Another thing need studying here is why Coutinho wanted Sharmila so desperately. If he really loves her, he should support her protest by not creating any sort of trouble.
After seeing the series of incidents created by Coutinho it is sure that he has been assigned with specific purpose by those who do not want to repeal the AFSPA from India. Shramila should know the real motive of this person.

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