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Bangladesh PM’s revelations and understanding the end game of Manipur conflict

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Bangladesh PM’s revelations and understanding the end game of Manipur conflict

Several Western nations, including the United States and Britain, are reportedly conspiring to create a Christian state by annexing parts of Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India. This agenda has found secret allies in the Kuki-Chin National Front (KNF) and other regional insurgent groups.
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina recently revealed to the 14-party alliance leaders that there is a plot to carve out “a Christian state like East Timor,” involving parts of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Although she refrained from naming India directly, her disclosures are significant.
Prime Minister Hasina also mentioned an unsettling offer from a foreign entity that promised her a hassle-free re-election if she allowed an airbase to be established on Bangladeshi soil. Although she did not specify the nationality of the person who made the offer, it is widely assumed to be the United States. Washington has long had its eyes on St. Martin’s Island, a strategically significant location in the Bay of Bengal.
This speculation was further fueled when Rashed Khan Menon, president of the Workers Party of Bangladesh, alleged that the United States’ new visa policy was part of a strategy to destabilize the current Bangladeshi government and secure St. Martin’s Island. Concerns about American intentions were echoed by Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal President Hasanul Haque Inu, who questioned whether the US’s interest in Bangladesh was genuinely about promoting democracy or about gaining control of this strategic island.
While US officials have denied any plans to establish a military base in Bangladesh, the persistent rumors and strategic moves suggest otherwise. In parallel, Christian missionaries and Western NGOs have been active in border areas of Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar, working to convert local populations and laying the groundwork for a proposed Christian state.
Publications by these missionary groups have propagated the narrative of “Christian persecution” in these areas, claiming that ethnic groups like the Chin-Kuki-Mizo are united by a shared ancestry and culture. This narrative has been contested by analysts who argue that historically, the Kukis practiced Animism and are now following Christianity and some of them are following Judaism. Leaders like P.S. Haokip of the Kuki National Army have even claimed that the Kukis are the lost tribe of Israel.
Bangladeshi authorities have noted connections between the KNF and other groups in India and Myanmar, suggesting a coordinated effort to establish a separate eastern state. The KNF’s alliance with the Islamist militant group Jamaat Ul Ansar Fil Hind Al Sharqiya (JAFHS) is seen as a strategic move to destabilize the region and further their own agenda under the guise of religious conversion and militancy.
From a counterterrorism perspective, the relationship between the KNF and JAFHS is purely strategic. The KNF aims to use JAFHS to spread terror in the targeted areas of Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar, facilitating their ultimate goal of establishing a Christian state. This plot, if successful, would provide Western nations, particularly the US and Britain, with a strategic foothold in the region.
The Kuki-Meitei conflict is being further inflamed by these external interventions. For Bangladesh, India, and Myanmar, the creation of a Christian state would pose a significant threat to their national security and territorial integrity.

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