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Yoga Day: A Way Celebrating Your Health

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Yoga day is also referred to as International Yoga day. Very recently, on 11th of December 2014, 21st June was declared as the International Yoga day by the United Nations’ General Assembly. This, 5000 years spiritual, mental and physical practice is considered to have been originated in India. People, from the ancient times have been using the practice of Yoga to heal their mind and body. The idea of dedicating a specific day to practicing Yoga and thereby encouraging people to start practicing it was given by the honourable incumbent Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
Yoga is very essential for a healthy living! And everything else can follow only if you have sound health. Therefore, to fulfil your aspirations in life it’s quite necessary that you make it a habit to practice yoga on daily basis. If you make yoga a part of your life then it could have a life-transforming affect both on your physical as well as mental strength.
The official name given to this day is UN International Yoga Day. The celebration of the day is not confined to one part or the other but is a worldwide celebration. People around the world meditate, discuss debate, perform cultural events and practice yoga on this day. Various events are organized to make encourage people to enter this zone of yoga followers.
IDY 2017 (International Yoga Day)
This year in 2017, Yoga day will be celebrated for the third time since its inception on 21st of June which is falling on Wednesday.
Global Celebration of Yoga Day
The Yoga day celebration is such an event which is celebrated by various countries around the world. People from around 170 countries take part in the celebration of yoga day, which include china, USA, Canada and others. Various events area organized by people from different parts of the world, some of those events include, yoga competitions, yoga training camps, and many more. These events focus on making people aware of the significance of Yoga in one’s life and its outstanding implications. Yoga day is celebrated to make people understand that yoga can kill all the mental and physical diseases. The regular practice of yoga can make you physically, mentally and spiritually rich. It gives a positively charged lifestyle to people thereby increasing the level of your physical and mental well-being. All the major, national and International organizations unite to celebrate this health-laden day.
Objectives of Observing Yoga day
·To make people aware of this most pocket friendly and natural treatment of all diseases.
·To let people understand the importance of connecting to nature. And to make them understand the benefits that connection to nature can have.
·In order to acquaint people with mediation and develop a habit of meditating with the help of Yoga.
·To throw light on the benefits of yoga and draw people’s attention from around the world to notice the importance of yoga in life.
·In order that peace, serenity, power, strength, growth and development becomes the way of people’s life.
·To fight the menace of spreading numerous life threatening diseases by practicing yoga.
·To give time to different communities to celebrate a day together and enjoy peace, away from the everyday busy schedule.
·To give natural remedy to people who are into any difficult situation which may be related to a mental or physical situation.
Efforts in Past
In past various individuals and organizations proposed the idea of Yoga day but it could not be made a reality. In 2011, the very famous Yoga and meditation Guru, Shri Shri Ravi Shankar put forward the idea of Yoga day. He is of the idea that any religion, community or culture is incomplete without Yoga.
Now that, Yoga day has been officially adopted by the UN, it will strengthen the faith in nature and the remedies like Yoga related to it.

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