Why switching to green tea is a brilliant idea?

Caffeine is a bitter substance usually found in coffee, tea, chocolate or soft drinks. Caffeine intake has many effects on the body’s metabolism such as stimulating the central nervous system thereby making us more alert and giving a temporary boost to the energy.

The amount of caffeine in two to four cups of coffee a day is not harmful. However, too much consumption of caffeine can cause various health problems such as insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, dehydration, headache or dizziness, faster heart beat etc. Caffeine is hazardous for pregnant ladies as it increases foetal heart rate and can even link to miscarriage.

Increased acidity is one of the ill effects of caffeine. When your body is acidic, it tries to neutralize itself in several ways. It removes calcium from the bones (osteoporosis) and magnesium from the muscles. If your body fails to neutralize the acid, it gets stored in your fat cells. If the fat cells are full, your body actually creates new fat cells and stores more fat in order to safely store the acid. This increased acidity also causes increased ageing and decreased immune function which are not favourable conditions for any individual.

Caffeine may reduce control of fine motor movements resulting in shaky hands. High caffeine consumption accelerates bone loss at the spine in elderly postmenopausal women. Caffeine consumption may also raise blood pressure to those who are already suffering from hypertension. Indigestion is another major problem associated with caffeine intake. People who consume caffeinated beverages often report an upset stomach or indigestion. This usually happens when the beverages are consumed on an empty stomach. It has been researched on that some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others. These people should limit their use of caffeine and find an alternative option of beverage.

Green Tea- A Saviour!

It is easier said than done to reduce caffeine intake for many of us. Well, there is a gradual solution to refrain from the caffeine habit which may one day force us to pay a heavy health toll.  Remember, health is wealth. And it’s never too late to start a healthy habit. Cutting down on caffeinated beverages and switching to green tea would be a brilliant idea to avoid many unwanted health effects.

An apple a day keeps diseases at bay is now a little passé.  The redefined version is “A cup of green tea a day keeps diseases at bay”.  Green tea can be unanimously considered a saviour for many who have health issues due to high intake of caffeinated drinks. Green tea also offers a plethora of wonderful health benefits. From easing insomnia to soothing a troubled tummy and calming a disturbed mind, green tea has all sorts of healing powers. Also considered world’s healthiest drink, green tea contains the highest amount of antioxidants.

Green tea may also promote weight loss in overweight and obese adult. Other studies have found that green tea is helpful in preventing stress, relieving constipation, keeping the eyes and skin healthy, improving liver function and lowering uric acid level.


IMAGE SOURCE: http://noliesradio.org/archives/60479

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