Own Shade of Colours

(Light and colours are closely related like Holi and Diwali) Colours have their own hue. Colours give us variety. Colour identifies a person, object, situation. Colours are connected to our soul no matter what we do. If they can fascinate us, they also fill us with disgust. Where white is used as a symbol of peace, then black has been made a symbol of protest and mourning. In course of time, religion also got associated with colour. It is the variety of colours that break the monotony of life, make life taste tasteless. Prevent it from happening. Nature has given us colours too.
All kinds of colorful fruits-flowers-plants, blue sky, multi-colored rainbow, sun with golden aura, animals and birds with different colours. This is where we would have taken the colour from. And decorate these colors on their clothes, take them off in Vandanwars, Rangoli, Mandans. Even science has not stayed away from colours. It is said that when passing through a prism, the colour gets divided into seven parts. It is even said that around a hundred colours come out of it, but our eyes see only seven of them.Can see.
Means there are colors beyond colors. Many animals cannot see color at all. They are blind to colours i.e. color blind. These animals are cat, dog, ox and rabbit. But bees, birds, snakes etc. can see and identify colours. Light and colors are closely related like Holi and Diwali. There is no existence of colours without light. There is no color in anything in this world. Water, air, space and the whole universe itself is colourless. Even the things you see are colourless. colour light only Happens in Colour is not what it sees, but what it emits.
Whatever color you spread, that will be your color. What you keep with you will not be your colour. In the same way, whatever you give in life, that becomes your quality. If you give joy, people will say that you are a joyful person. The amount of food that a person eats in the physical form is his, the rest he does only for others. We wear clothes for ourselves, but they are meant for others. no matter how hard Everything we do is either for the family or for the society, for the country. The whole nature is made only for giving.
Nature has only the colour of giving. No matter how we are, whether good or bad, she accepts everyone, like the same sky that never turns anyone away. The color of acceptance is wonderful in itself. The presence of colours in religion has a special purpose. Understanding the science of colours, our sages have included colours in religion. Making Rangoli at the place of worship with artistry in colours Also shows psychology. Five colours as kumkum, haldi, abeer, gulal, henna are included in every puja.
The colours of religious flags, the colors of Tilak, the colours of God’s clothes are also kept special, so that we can be inspired by them at the time of religious work and the qualities of those colours can imbibe in us. Qualities are actually tangible even though they are intangible, in the form of these colours. That’s why when we see a work or a person full of colours and qualities, it spontaneously comes out of the mouth, wow! This joy stitches our lives And prepares us again for the new dawn. Every color has its role and every person has his own colour which is of his own choice. We even have the science to paint your character based on your choice of colours. There is also a biology of color therapy.
Methods of treatment ranging from colors to ragas are prevalent in psychology. Use water bottles of different colors for treatment, because colours have a special effect on you. Every character on this giant stage of the world Happy with your colour. Where saints and sages wear saffron, saffron or white clothes, social workers wear white, actors want to look spectacular by wearing colourful clothes, different colors of schools, offices, different Colors of police, army, villages even the clown has his own colour while entertaining throughout. This universe is buzzing only with Colours. If there are colours then their colour will also be there and it will be so fine that it will weave the fabric of this life of ours. Life rests in this fabric, the fabric of its existence It happens. That’s why maybe a festival like Holi was created, so that we can live the colour in its physical form as well. 


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