
By – Dr Nunglekpam Premi Devi
Independent Scholar

I have a fear, a fear of dread darkness;
So wild and too forbidding, within me;
‘Darkness’ instill unauthorized, making me shaky;
All I feel is nowhere round, I traveled far off;
Losing ever inch of my bravely confidence,
I struck loosely nowhere infusing shady phantoms;
Its mortal dark and, I see things! I cried loudly
Hang in there! Wait and look for me!
Mother! Mother! Still all, quite and hush;
I lost self presence, ‘fearing’ quieting my breath;
Concealing all colors, darkness the one rules hallucinating;
Breathing in and breathing out, as I stand still
Silence speaks all, merging more wraiths stilly.

Perturbed every single night, Uneasy lies within me;
Afraid! Collecting ‘nura’ wasn’t welcoming;
Fear as hell, darkness has eaten me all;
Stretching out my arm searching nura, here and there;
I stopped breathing, not an inch I see unclear,
I see things, many things as I could imagine, marching towards;
Get me a light; get me a podon! I cried loudly,
None hears the call, neither attended, I surf along vividly;
Still continued, searching unsighted with the unseeing eyes;
Loosing total control, one arm out and one pulling back;
I flattered dangers, ‘mother’ stand by me! I whisper   
Hating ‘self’ consciousness, I roar within loud out;
Fear rules, as I stood kneeling reaching out hand.

I have a fear, a fear of dread darkness;
Ceasing my arm, I jumped in the empty, halting;
Suspended searching, one and two and three,
Onto the bamboo stalks, I never did found ‘nura’;
What was that? I hold onto, soft and cold creasy,
Feeling shocked touching out ‘toad’ breathing underneath;
I cried of danger and I scream for the light;
Jumping back and front appealing and pleading;
Light! Light! As do I beg, Mother watches me over;
I feel blessed beholding distant podon lights, overwhelming;
And she bubbles away frothing ‘smiling’ adorably;  
Assembling my senses, I tried instilling darkness into lights;
I walk through reoccupying, with lamp in the hand.

One and two and three, I looked around searching;
Blinking eyes open out, with a lamp in the other hand,
Oh! There you are! Connecting to abandoning piece;
Catching and holding firmly, I spaded faster;
Turning back sooner, overlooking podon in the left,
I run and rush faster as I could; dashing and smashing;
With one heap breath, flash! Go away the little light;
I flipped inside the door, soothing breathing;
How great! I throw it back in the dark wilderness;
Lessening ‘Fear’ that forbidding within me.

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