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Emergence of Career Oriented Women

by Vijay Garg
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Career amongst women is a recent phenomenon. It is only during the last two decades that Indian women have started acquiring Careers and this number is greatly increased in numbers. However, it was not always the same. Women in Ancient India, back in the days of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, commanded a great deal of respect from men. It was Manu in the first century BC, who felt that Indian woman should remain dependent on her father before marriage, later on, her husband and finally on her son. During the medieval period, Muslims who were influenced by their culture started marrying their daughters at a very early age. This practice originated the system of child marriage which further led to the lowering of the status of women. It was also during this time that the dowry system also became prevalent. Thus began a time where women were oppressed and discriminated. It became a tradition of sorts to control women as the beliefs of the society were hardened on orthodox beliefs formulated in the ancient period. It wasn’t until the 20th century, that the women in India were starting to look up to careers and changing the shape of their lives. The 20th century brought industrialization with it and it also brought education which to a large extent opened the eyes of the society towards the plight of the women. Education also created a need amongst them to redeem their status and to work towards the betterment of their gender in general and the society in particular.
The advent of modern times changed the society to a great extent. This change was evident with the rise of the nuclear families wherein equal opportunities were given to sons and daughters. Daughters were no longer kept uneducated and they were allowed to further their studies. Education led to the awareness among women about the rights and privileges which ere earlier denied to them. The law also supported them and female foeticide was abolished, along with strict punishments to those who indulged in Dowry System. The influence of the media, both domestic and foreign, helped them in attaining liberal views. They realized the strides of progress made by women in the advanced countries. The success of the women entrepreneurs of the west also influenced the Indian women and they felt the need to question the subjugation were being subjected to. Education, coupled with liberal views and the support of parents, helped women gain a new identity in the male-dominated society. The whole the status of women started undergoing a perceptible change. Women started entering the labour market and their numbers started to rise. They also ventured in commerce and started owning and changing the face of businesses of today, both literally and figuratively. The past decade has seen a dynamic growth and expansion of women-owned businesses. The expansion in revenues and employment has also far exceeded the growth in numbers. The male-oriented conception of the sport also came under change. Women were now allowed to compete in long-distance events alongside men, women’s marathons. Women have entered even those fields which were strictly considered for men, like driving, space, technology, engineering, architecture etc. Women like Kalpana Chawla, P.T. Usha, Sania Mirza, Pratibha Patil and many more, are breaking traditional paths and inspiring others to do so.
Today, there is heightened awareness amongst them to fight discrimination. Traditional gender stereotypes that suggested that women’s primary social roles were wife and mother, whereas those of men were the breadwinner, has long gone under overhauling. Women of today are contributing towards the global economy and to their surrounding communities. The presence of women in the workplace is also creating a tremendous impact on their employment and business environments. The role of women in the family life has also changed significantly. As an educated housewife, or as a working woman she has acquired a respectable place in society. Today’s women, young women, in particular, are becoming more career-oriented, with high educational aspirations and greater ambitions at the same time. In spite of their careers, they are still maintaining the value traditionally placed on them, those of family and nurturing.
Effects of the Emergence of Career Oriented Women
Positive Effects of Emergence of Career Oriented Women
With relevant education, work experience, improving economic conditions and financial opportunities, women are creating and sustaining successful business ventures. This not only has an impact on the economy of the country but it is also changing the status of women in the society.
Progressive women have a positive effect on women who live in countries where women are still oppressed. They are inspired by them and it motivates them to fight the oppression.
Underdeveloped and Developing countries feel pressurized upon looking at the status of women in Developed countries. Status of women affects a country’s reputation and the economy as developed or underdeveloped.
Working women help in the household income, which leads to well being of the family as a whole.
Career Oriented Women are educated. And educated population translates into high literacy rate and also ensures that the continuation of literacy in the family and the society as well. It saves a great deal of capital and effort of the country.
Sufficient availability of money also means access to medical services which is an indicator of the high population with good health.
Because Women think differently than Men, they provide a variety of viewpoints, ideas, plans etc. which are a necessary part of any organization.
Negative Effects of Emergence of Career Oriented Women
The flip side to this emergence is changed lifestyle which includes delayed marriage and subsequent delay in the birth of the first child. As more women turn working professionals, they face a host of urological disorders. These include urogynaecological diseases ranging from the stigmata-shrouded urinary and bowel incontinence to a life-threatening condition like breast cancer. Experts say that urinary disorders are triggered by physiological changes in a woman’s life that damage the pelvic floor. Medical practitioners recommend simple lifestyle modifications, a balanced diet and pelvic floor exercises as preventive methods. 
Conservative Elements in our societies still criticize women for abandoning the idea of mother/housewife and blame the emergence of career-oriented women for rising levels of drug use and other problems among youth.
More and more of today’s women are climbing the corporate ladder and holding positions of power. And their husbands attend the chores on the home front. But the shifting of gender roles does affect a couples’ relationship, as many times, it results in divorce and broken relationships. 
The changing role of women is also causing a change in their infertility. Along with the increased intake of junk food which mostly contains additives and meats injected with hormones, women also encourage multiple partners and casual lovemaking. This results in sexually transmitted diseases and later to infertility. Venereal diseases such as gonorrhoea and syphilis combined with previous abortions and smoking, which has gradually become increasingly common among women, can prevent conception and sometimes cause miscarriages.
Women’s increasing participation in the paid workforce has reduced the number of relatives available for childcare substantially. This, in turn, has resulted in women attempting to deal with childcare demands either by relying on organized child-care facilities or undergoing changes in their personal employment style, such as working from home or working part-time. In addition to bearing the responsibility of providing adequate childcare to their children, women may also experience feelings of guilt if they do not at least devote some of their free time to this task. Some women may, therefore, reduce their amount of sleep or free time resulting in the accumulation of strain and stress.
Many men and women believe that working couples should share household responsibilities. Yet working women today are still maintaining the responsibility of household demands as housework remains being associated with women’s work. This increased workload makes it difficult for women to relax properly which, in turn, threatens their physical and mental well being
They are also prone to role overload. Women have other life roles which they may occupy simultaneously. A woman with multiple roles may play the role of a daughter, sister and community member. And as such, these personal, professional, recreational and citizen roles are to be played simultaneously. Fulfilling one or more of these roles has far-reaching consequences
The path of a career woman has never been a smooth or easy one. Though significant progress has been made toward levelling the status of women, they still face obstacles to their professional acceptance and advancement. In many fields, women continue to be significantly underrepresented. But, most of the explicit barriers to female participation in the workforce have fallen. The mentality of Indian male is also changing to some extent. They are now accepting the view that a lot of professional courses can give women new heights in their career even after marriage and some support their wives to continue with their jobs even after marriage. Women have in fact have come farther in their quest for equal opportunity and control over their careers. The result of these trends is that women are achieving success and the measuring stick of their success can be in revenue, employment and longevity of life. This strengthens the governmental programs and policies at strengthening women’s entrepreneurship.

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