Home » Education Minister Thokchom Radheshyam on Culture and Education

Education Minister Thokchom Radheshyam on Culture and Education

by Rinku Khumukcham
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(Produce here is the speech delivered by the Education Minister)

Great Civilisation built on the strength derived from the age-old social-cultural traditions that have come down from generations to generations can be viewed from two important perspectives. One of them is the culture of unbroken, matured and adopted over the ages. The other is the systematisation or the formalisation of the culture of norm, which can be broadly termed as education. The premise on which a society grows over a period of time is the traditional knowledge accumulated over the millennia. One of the most significant philosophised of analysing the sequences of events, however systematic or not, the pragmatic  approach adopted by the ancestors since time immemorial is the culture that continues to bind the social fabrics till today, even during the most difficult times.
The process of institutionalisation of learning must have come so naturally in the ancient times, which offers as a reflective index of the then socio-cultural traditions. Today, the age of science and technology provides unfathomed height of courage and determination wt a solution to many unanswered questions. However, it is indeed the long enduring process covered by many generations of great thinkers to conceptualise a dogma to build logical theories on a wide range of subjects. That is the profound characteristics and the foundation on which the modern civilisations, development of all the subjects, including science and technology are built upon. The passage through which the knowledge has come down and shared among the people must have has a well established procedural strength to allow the belief and the subjects to grow undeterred. This must have been notwithstanding the conflicting thought and many more unfavourable environment and circumstances.
Culture and Education continues to be the most important and integral components of the contemporary tie. Both are dynamics as the artiste and creative human minds thrives o fulfil and respond to the unending quest for knowledge. At the same time, the need for instant solution to every challenge has pressed the human faculties of culture and education to resolve by creating responsible protocols at every level. The question in askance is; can Culture and Education be separated from one another, or the duo will have to be together like parallel lines, however, they meet at different locations or intervals. If culture is defined as the way of lives of the people, education becomes the nerves and veins that run between them. Describing the North Eastern region of the country would be a herculean task. However, the region is represented by a mosaic of different ethnic communities. Each ethnic group has its own glorious past, rich socio-cultural traditions evolved over the centuries in a well established and structured form. With a deep rooted sense of inherited groups in all the states of the North Eastern region have a pride in adapting  and adopting whatever come in their way.
It is in this background that the people of the entire North Eastern region of India has progressed in the education sector realising its greater role in the contemporary time. Education might have come late to many remote areas in the region. But the pace at which the people have been able to cope with the other advance states is indeed remarkable. Within the minimum infrastructure and technical support the pupils have excelled in almost all the subjects. It is perhaps because of the rich socio-cultural traditions of the people of the region with rudimentary methods f learning that have kept the spirit togetherness as a culture to thrive with futuristic visions and dreams o achieve higher goals in every sphere of life.

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