Home » Youth picked up arms for self-defence, not anti-nationals: CM Biren Singh

Youth picked up arms for self-defence, not anti-nationals: CM Biren Singh

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Youth picked up arms for self-defence, not anti-nationals: CM Biren Singh

IT News
Imphal, May 4:

Manipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh discussed the state’s challenges, including ethnic violence and illegal immigration, in an interview with THE WEEK. He highlighted efforts to deport illegal immigrants and recover arms wielded by youths for self-defense against violence caused by illegal immigrants. N. Biren Singh expressed hope that restoring security would eliminate the need for youths to bear arms. He also mentioned ongoing operations to recover arms from various areas in Manipur, emphasizing the government’s commitment to restoring peace and stability in the region.
In a recent interview with THE WEEK, Manipur’s Chief Minister N. Biren Singh reflected on the challenges posed by ethnic violence in the state, which marked its unfortunate one-year anniversary on May 3. Addressing reports of youth taking up arms, Singh acknowledged the reality but emphasized that their actions were driven by self-defense rather than anti-national sentiments. He elaborated that the youth were compelled to bear arms in response to the violence perpetrated by illegal immigrants, including killings, looting, and arson. N. Biren Singh expressed optimism that once the state could guarantee full security and restore normalcy, the need for youths to resort to arms would diminish.
N. Biren Singh also discussed the ongoing operations aimed at recovering arms from both the valley and hills of Manipur. These efforts signify the government’s commitment to maintaining law and order and creating a conducive environment for peace and stability. Moreover, regarding the active insurgent groups, he said that some groups such as PLA and PREPAK remain concerns, but the government is trying to engage in talks with them too. Pambei led UNLF has recently signed a peace accord with the government recently.

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